Is the article new and interesting enough in order to justify publishing?
Is the research important?
Does the article comply with the standards of the magazine?
Is the article presented/ described clearly?
Are all elements present: abstract, key words, JEL classification, introduction, methodology, results, conclusion, bibliography?
Consider every element separately:
- Does it clearly describe the article?
- Does it reflect the content of the article?
- Does it accurately/ precisely describe what the author wanted to achieve/ accomplish and clearly expose the researched matter? Normally, the introduction has 1-2 paragraphs. It should synthesize relevant researches for offering/ providing the context and explain what results/ discoveries of other, if any, are contested/ claimed or extended. It should describe the experiment, hypotheses; the general experimental draft/ project or method.
- Is it suitable? Does it precisely express the way in which data has been collected? Is the project adequate to answer the question? Is there enough information for you to answer the research? Does the article identify the procedures followed? Are they logically ordered? If methods are new, are they explained in detail? Has the sample been adequate? Have the materials and equipment been adequately described? Has the article clearly shown what type of data has been recorded? Has the author been accurate in describing the measurements?
- The author has to explain here what discoveries he made as a result of the research. Results should be clearly and logically presented. You should appreciate whether the analysis has been accurate. Are statistics correct?
- Are the statements in this section supported by results? Do they seem reasonable? Have authors indicated the way in which results relate to expectations and previous researches? Does the article support or contradict previous theories? Does the conclusion explain the way in which the research is one step ahead for scientific knowledge?
- Figures and tables. When the entire article is considered, do figures and tables inform/ communicate something to the reader? Are they an important part of the article? Do figures accurately describe the data from the article? Are they clearly executed and consequent, for example, do the bars from graphic representations have the same thickness, are the axes scales logical.
If the article is drawn-up based on previous researches, does it refer to the research adequately? Is there any important paper omitted? Are the bibliographic references accurate?
If an article includes a number of miswritten words and grammatical mistakes, do not correct the language. Inform the editor of the poor quality and give it the possibility to take the right decision. Language correction is not the reviewer’s liability.
- Plagiary: if you suspect an article to be the substantial copy of a previous paper/ papers, inform the editor and quote those paper/ papers.
- Fraud: it is very difficult to detect a fraud, but if you suspect that the results of an article are not true, notify the editor explaining why you think that the results are fraudulent.
- Other ethical matters: whether confidentiality is kept, when data is used that is not meant for the public; whether all permissions are given and all contributions and significant sources are provided; whether animals or humans ethical treatment regulations are violated or not etc.
- The journal do not allow the author(s) to hold the copyright without restrictions.
- The journal allow the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions
It is considered that the manuscripts sent to the redaction of the ANNALS OF THE „CONSTANTIN BRÂNCUȘI” UNIVERSITY OF TÂRGU JIU, LETTER AND SOCIAL SCIENCE SERIES are addressed in exclusive submission to this journal, become its property and that the information in the manuscript has been reviewed by all authors which have all agreed with the submission of the article in the form in which it was submitted. Authors must cite the original sources within the references and below the reprinted material. Copyright will be assigned to the publisher/journal.
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